2008年4月15日 星期二

[Music]六歲的天籟美聲The angel voice with a 6-year-old girl─Connie Talbot

The little girl: Connie who is just six years old in England, and she joined the singing competition on TV in England. She's so cute and sweet, just like an angel with the beautiful voice.

Uh.....well(looks shy), My English name is Connie, too. Hahahaa~

小康妮初賽片段 Connie's film: The early part of competition

小康妮複賽片段 Connie's film: final part of competition





PS. These two girls are also excellent. Many young children are really good at singing...@@

4 則留言:

:: 提到...

Que bien canta esta niña! y que dulce!
Y esa canción siempre me gustó.

El de mi camiseta si es Pikachu ^^

Gracias por tus comentarios!

MingKu 提到...

to ulyse:
Ha! Is "Picachu" famous in Spain? It surprises me~:D
your works are really nice:D When I saw your works first, I can't believe that~@@you're 20 and 24 years old (Inclouding the other two artists' blogs) but your works and styles are very good!
It makes me want to see your blogs everyday.:D

Alexiev 提到...

Que lindo que canta... me emociono mucho... no lo habia visto... Gracias...

Saludos desde Buenos Aires...

Alexiev Store

MingKu 提到...

to alexiev:
nice to meet you!
ya...I'm so touched by this sweet and pure voice, too. :D

[Music & Show]Cirque du Soleil 太陽馬戲團- Alegría 歡愉之歌

I like the song, including the husky voice with the strong power and the vicissitude feeling, 很喜歡這首歌,包括那蘊含能量的,帶點滄桑的沙啞嗓音 , "Alegría&...